Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Diet questions and things to ponder

1. Are you on a diet?
2. How long have you been on this particular diet?
3. Have you been on other diets?
4. How long did you stay on your diet?
5. If you have been on other diets how long do you usually stay?
6. What makes you go off a diet?
7. Do you ever reach a weight goal?
8. What have you learned from your diets?
9. Have you ever been on a diet and said it worked, only to gain back the weight?
10. Did you do the diet again or try another diet?
11. Are you on a diet that supplies food? How long do you buy their packaged food?
12. Do you take a diet pill or drink? What happens when you stop?
13. Why is the diet industry so big?
14. How many diet books have you bought?
15. All diets promise great results and new diets pop up all the time, if each diets promise is true, why do new ones keep coming up?
16. And, why do we need to keep repeating them?

NutriMirror was built because of Jim's health issues, but over the course of Jim's life he too has been on numerous diets. Crash diets, Pritikin diet, liquid diet, you name it and he has probably tried it. All with the promise of weight loss. And, they did work, while he was on their plan. But, he never learn to make his own choices, he was never taught new life style changes. So, he always fell back to old habits.

He has said, over and over, had he seen the consequences of his choices, back then, the way he can see them now on NutriMirror, he would have made better choices.

NutriMirror is a tool. A tool that let's you see how your choices are affecting your body.

Jim is the reason for the site, and is the reason it is so easy and uncluttered to use. Mike is the reason the site is here and that it works so well.

My guys!

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